Everything we do is backed up by years of research.
And we still have so much to learn.
Selected Research
Papers, Articles, and Presentations
Blake-Plock, S., Johnson, A., Casey, C. (2024). A Machine-readable Narratological Approach to the Design of Human Performance Descriptions for Synthetic Training Environments. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Goodell, J., Blake-Plock, S., Craig, S., Czerwinski, E., Lis, J., McEldoon, K., Owens, K., Stodd, J., Schatz, S., Walsh, W. (2024). Generalizable Learning Engineering Adoption Maturity Model. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S. (2024). Synthetic Data Automation: A Use Case for Pilot Training (Poster Session). Emerging Technologies for Defense Conference and Exhibition. Emerging Technologies Institute / NDIA. Washington, DC.
Barr, A., McNamara, D., Saxberg, B., Blake-Plock, S. (2024). Learning Engineering: Past, Present, and Future (Panel Discussion). IEEE LTSC ICICLE 2024 Conference on Learning Engineering. Arizona State University. Phoenix, AZ.
Torrance, M., Blake-Plock, S., McCormick, M., Parent, A., Saxberg, B., Wagner, E. (2024). The Journey to Learning Engineering (Panel Discussion). IEEE LTSC ICICLE 2024 Conference on Learning Engineering. Arizona State University. Phoenix, AZ.
Blake-Plock, S. (2024). DATASIMx for Pilot Training Generation of Synthetic Exemplar Data with Relevant Tactics. Final Report. Air Force Research Laboratory. FA238423C0005.
Goodell, J., Blake-Plock, S. (2024). A Standards-Based Approach to AI-Enabled Learning Detection in Unity-based Simulations, Field Training, and Distributed Learning. Army University Learning Symposium. Fort Leavenworth, KS.
Blake-Plock, S. (2024). Let's Write a Song. EduCon 2024. Philadelphia, PA.
Owens, K., Blake-Plock, S., Goodell, J. (2023). Learning Engineering Virtual Training Systems with Learning Science, Data Standards, and a Capabilities Maturity Model. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Robson, R., Ray, F., Goldberg, B., Blake-Plock, S., Owens, K., Connell, G. (2023). Digitizing Performance and Competencies. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S., Johnson, A., Owens, K., B. Goldberg. (2023). STEEL-R: Connecting Synthetic Training and Experiential Learning to the Total Learning Architecture and IEEE LTSC Data Standards. IEEE IC Industry Consortium on Learning Engineering 2023 Conference. Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA.
Blake-Plock, S., Owens, K., Goodell, J. (2023). The Value Proposition of GIFT for the Field of Learning Engineering. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual GIFT Users Symposium. US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center. Orlando, FL.
Robson, R., Ray, F., Goldberg, B., Blake-Plock, S., Casey, C., Owens, K., Nasir, S. (2023). Defining and Measuring Competencies under Varying Conditions. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual GIFT Users Symposium. US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S. (2023). Understand and Implement xAPI Profiles. xAPI Cohort. Learning Guild.
Blake-Plock, S. (2023). xAPI Cybersecurity. Technical Webinars. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. Orlando, FL.
Hernandez, M., Blake-Plock, S., Owens, K., Goldberg, B., Robson, R., Welch, T., Ray, F. (2022). Enhancing the Total Learning Architecture for Experiential Learning. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Owens, K., Goldberg, B., Hernandez, M., Blake-Plock, S. (2022). Introduction to Competency-Based Experiential Learning. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Owens, K., Goldberg, B., Ray, F., Mishra, S., Blake-Plock, S. (2022). Multi-Session Demonstration of a Competency-Based Experiential Learning Model for the US Army Synthetic Training Environment (STE). iFEST 2022. National Training and Simulation Association. Alexandria, VA.
Blake-Plock, S. (2022). xAPI Profiles and Business Logic. iFEST 2022. National Training and Simulation Association. Alexandria, VA.
Blake-Plock, S. (2022). Completing the Total Learning Architecture. TLA Plugfest. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. Alexandria, VA.
Robson, R., Goldberg, B., Blake-Plock, S., Casey, C., Hoyt, W., Hernandez, M., Ray, F. (2022). Mining Artificially Generated Data to Estimate Competency. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Durham University. Durham, UK.
Owens, K., Goldberg, B., Robson, R., Hoffman, M., Ray, F., Colburn, A., Hernandez, M., Blake-Plock, S., Casey, C. (2022). Synthetic Training Environment Experiential Learning for Readiness (STEEL-R). Proceedings of the Tenth Annual GIFT Users Symposium. US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center. Orlando, FL.
Goldberg, B., Owens, K., Gupton, K., Hellman, K., Robson, R., Blake-Plock, S., Hoffman, M. (2021). Forging Competency and Proficiency through the Synthetic Training Environment with an Experiential Learning for Readiness Strategy. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
DeFalco, J., Blake-Plock, S., Ulgen, O., Schoenherr, J., Hampton, A., Tong, R. (2021). The Spider in the Urinal: A Panel on AI Ethics, Unpredictable Secondary Events, and AISs. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S., Ponton, J., Kaelber, A. (2021). From IdeaScale to Scaling an Idea: Learning Innovation at Joint Base Andrews. iFEST 2021. National Training and Simulation Association. Alexandria, VA.
Blake-Plock, S. (2021). DATASIM Requirements Report. Advanced Distributed Learning. HQ003419C0061. DTIC: AD1141222.
Blake-Plock, S. (2021). DATASIM Needs Analysis Report. Advanced Distributed Learning. HQ003419C0061. DTIC: AD1141221.
Blake-Plock, S. (2021). DATASIM Option Year 1 Final Report (TRL 5). Advanced Distributed Learning. HQ003419C0061. DTIC: AD1141220.
Blake-Plock, S., Hoyt, W., & Casey, C. (2021). Instrumenting GIFT with xAPI: a use case for IEEE P9274.3.x standards activity and implications for the broader field of ITS and AIS. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual GIFT Users Symposium. US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center. Orlando, FL.
DeFalco, J., Blake-Plock, S., Hampton, A. (2021). The Renovated 中文 Room: Ethical Implications of Intentional AI in Learning Technology. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual GIFT Users Symposium. US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S. (2021). DATASIM Testing and Evaluation Plan. Advanced Distributed Learning. HQ003419C0061. DTIC: AD1141193.
Blake-Plock, S. (2021). DATASIM Stakeholder Analysis Report. Advanced Distributed Learning. HQ003419C0061. DTIC: AD1141192.
Blake-Plock, S. (2020). DATASIM: The Data and Training Analytics Simulated Input Modeler — Alpha Status Update. Human Systems Conference. National Defense Industrial Association. Alexandria, VA.
Blake-Plock, S. (2020). Usability TRL4 Report: DATASIM. Advanced Distributed Learning. DTIC: AD1098376.
Blake-Plock, S., Hoyt, W., Casey, C., & Zapata-Rivera, D. (2020). Data Analytics and Visualization for xAPI Learning Data: Considerations for a GIFT Strategy. In Sinatra, A.M., Graesser, A.C., Hu, X., Goldberg, B., and Hampton, A.J. (Eds.). Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Volume 8 - Data Visualization. US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S. (2020). Technical Report: DATASIM. Advanced Distributed Learning. DTIC: AD1098366.
Blake-Plock, S. and Casey, C. (2020). DATASIM and xAPI Profile Validation. iFEST 2020. National Training and Simulation Association. Alexandria, VA.
Blake-Plock, S., Goodell, J., Kurzweil, D., Kessler, A., Olsen, J. (Eds.) (2020). IEEE IC Industry Consortium on Learning Engineering: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Learning Engineering. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. New York, NY.
Blake-Plock, S. (2019). S. Point Paper. Panel: Learning Engineering, A New Academic Discipline and Engineering Profession. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S. and Hoyt, W. (2019). Data Analytics and Visualization Environment for xAPI and the Total Learning Architecture: DAVE Learning Analytics Algorithms. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. Alexandria, VA.
Blake-Plock, S. (2019). DATASIM: Data and Training Analytics Simulated Input Modeler for xAPI and xAPI Profiles. iFEST 2019. National Training and Simulation Association. Alexandria, VA.
Blake-Plock, S. (2019). Analytics and Visualization. In Walcutt, J.J. & Schatz, S. (Eds.). Modernizing Learning: Building the Future Learning Ecosystem. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. Government Publishing Office. Washington, DC.
Blake-Plock, S. (2019). DATASIM Conceptual UX/UI Design Report. Advanced Distributed Learning. HQ0034-19-C-0061.
Smith, B., Walcutt, J.J., Ph.D., Blake-Plock, S., Heimbrock, S. (2018). Military Innovation for Learning. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S. (2018). Mission Control for Learning and Performance: The enterprise learning ecosystem in the age of advanced streaming data architectures and real-time learning analytics. Yet Analytics, Inc. Baltimore, MD.
Blake-Plock, S. (Ed.). (2018). xAPI: A Guide for Technical Implementers. IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Technical Advisory Group on xAPI.
Blake-Plock, S. (2018). Learning Analytics and Data Visualizations Within an xAPI-Enabled Ecosystem. iFEST 2018. National Training and Simulation Association. Alexandria, VA.
Blake-Plock, S. (2018). ICICLE: A Consortium for Learning Engineering. EDUCAUSE Review.
Blake-Plock, S. (2018). Learning Engineering: Merging Science and Data to Design Powerful Learning Experiences. GettingSmart.
Blake-Plock, S. and Hoyt, W. (2018). Benefits of xAPI Profiles Extend Across Development Teams. Learning Solutions.
Blake-Plock, S. (2017). LESI Alpha: A Predictive Model for Learning, Economic, and Social Indicators. 2017 Education World Forum.
Blake-Plock, S. and Altieri, A. (2016). xAPI Simulations CoP. 2016 xAPI Bootcamp. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. Alexandria, VA.
Gallagher, P.S., Bannan, B., Blake-Plock, S., Lewis, B. (2015). Embedding Cyber-Physical Systems for Assessing Performance in Training Simulations. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S. (2015). xAPIsec: Scalability and security. 2015 xAPI Bootcamp. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative. Alexandria, VA.
Bannan, B., Gallagher, P.S., Blake-Plock, S., Lewis, B. (2015). Ecosystem for Smart Medical Simulation Team Training. Fairfax County Action Cluster. Global City Teams Challenge Expo. National Building Museum. Washington, DC.
Blake-Plock, S. (2015). xAPIsec: Towards an information security protocol for xAPI. Connections Forum: xAPI Quarterly.
Bannan, B., Gallagher, P.S., Blake-Plock, S. (2015). Ecosystem for Smart Medical Simulation Team Training: Proposal. Fairfax County Action Cluster. Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Gaithersburg, MD.
Blake-Plock, S., Reder, M., Lewis, J. (2014). xAPI Applications for Wearables and Hybrid Simulation. xAPI Plugfest. I/ITSEC. National Training and Simulation Association. Orlando, FL.
Blake-Plock, S. (2012). Preparing Technology-Connected Teachers. ASCD.
Blake-Plock, S. (2012). What Will Education Look Like in 2020? EdTech: Focus on K-12.
Blake-Plock, S. (2012). How Did School Do? A Crowdsourced Study. Edutopia. George Lucas Educational Foundation.
Further reading
Podcast (coming soon)
Research & Development
Capabilities Statement