Reflections on I/ITSEC 2024
The Interservice / Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) is the world's largest modeling, simulation and training event. It’s a hotbed of innovation in simulation and training technologies as well as being arguably the most important venue for the presentation of research in the space.
Extending the Total Learning Architecture into the World of Experiential Learning and Synthetic Training
With an objective to provide “a data strategy for measuring the longitudinal impact of synthetic, semi-synthetic, and live training experiences on individual and team competency development,” STEEL-R brings together a variety of standards-based capabilities from the world of synthetic scenario design with the core standards-based capabilities of ADL’s Total Learning Architecture (TLA).
Open Source xAPI Capabilities for the Total Learning Architecture
Open Source for the TLA. Including: Learning Record Stores and xAPI Filters for TLA business logic
Podcast (coming soon)
Research & Development
Capabilities Statement