Moodle, xAPI, Learning Management System, Open Source Shelly Blake-Plock Moodle, xAPI, Learning Management System, Open Source Shelly Blake-Plock

The Value of an Advanced xAPI Enablement of Moodle: Considering in the Context of K12

If the goal is to improve the infrastructure required to support increased efficacy and expanded access, then one could do much worse than to implement proven standards-based and open source capabilities that have been field tested and built for scalability in real world environments.

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xAPI, xAPI Profiles, Open Source Shelly Blake-Plock xAPI, xAPI Profiles, Open Source Shelly Blake-Plock

Introducing: xAPI Prepositions

Sometimes, you want to define relationships. Other times, you want to add context. When describing time, direction, location, and spatial relationships, we depend on prepositions. But that’s been a difficult task in the realm of xAPI.

Until now.

Meet xAPI Prepositions — a set of 150 machine-readable xAPI concepts delivered in a conformant xAPI Profile.

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Moving your xAPI Data from one vendor’s LRS to another

There are many xAPI implementations that have been invested in over the last few years that for one reason or another are now in need of an update and you find that you need to move from one vendor’s LRS to another. But what do you do about all of that data that you’ve collected?

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Open Source, xAPI, xAPI Profiles, Validation Shelly Blake-Plock Open Source, xAPI, xAPI Profiles, Validation Shelly Blake-Plock

xAPI Profile Validation: Open Source Resources from Yet

Yet Analytics has released two new open source libraries for xAPI Profile validation. The first is called Pan and is used to validate xAPI Profiles. The second is called Persephone and is used to validate xAPI statements against xAPI Profiles. Both libraries are distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.

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